Thursday, December 20, 2012


This girl ain't giving up yet.

From now until the end of January, I'm going to take you on my journey to Second Year. It's only a month and half away, but I know God is going to do miraculous things in my life. I'm needing a miracle to pay for tuition and renewing my visa, but I've been through this before and I know I'll always be believing for big, impossible, God-dreams, and I know he'll come through and provide for where he's called me.

I'm going to be sending out a newsletter by email in the next two weeks to raise support for second year as well as working as much as I can at my two jobs.

I'm nothing less than expectant and pumped! I know next year is a turning point for me and no matter what happens, God will do great things and get all the glory!

Unless you haven't noticed, the banner up the top of my page says it all :)



Monday, December 10, 2012

Month Ten and the End of Year One

And alas, I have come to the end of the greatest year of my life so far. How exactly did that happen? I almost feel like I've jumped into a time machine, because arriving here still seems like a week ago.

More than an outward and countenance change, I really believe this year has dug a well so deep in me for who God is. It's no longer become about desiring a faith or relationship like what the amazing worship leader has or what Bobbie Houston has, but God has given me a specific and unique measure that he gets to fill and use in this world. It makes all mindsets of comparison go away. No one can do what God's called me to do and I can't do what God has called anyone else to do either.

The greatest thing I've learnt this year is trust. It seems a bit obvious, but it's the deepening of trust that has changed me so much. I've learned to trust Jesus not because of what he can give me or do for me, but I've actually learned to trust who he is. He isn't just the fixer of my situation. He isn't just involved. He controls everything in my situation. He has all authority in my situation. He is so much bigger than I've often given him credit for being, in my life especially. 

When I trust him, it no longer is about me, because I know I can't change the situation in and of myself. I depend on him, because I know my strength is not enough. Therefore, when life falls into place and I come out strong in tough situations, it's ALL because of him. A verse in Isaiah 63 spoke to me to strongly last week and I think it describes what God wants to do in all of us:

Isaiah 63:11b-14
Where is he who set his Holy Spirit among them, who sent his glorious arm of power to be at Moses' right hand, who divided the waters before them, to gain for himself everlasting renown, who led them through the depths? Like a horse in open country, they did not stumble; like cattle that go down to the plain, they were given rest by the Spirit of the Lord. This is how you guided your people to make for yourself a glorious name.

Yes, because I am relationship with Jesus and am running after his heart, I am going to great things and I know I am going to be sustained through every season, but it's not for me. It's to make his name glorious! It's to lift people's eyes to their Maker. I've learned that this is why I sing, and this is why I love to lead people into the presence of Jesus through song. It's not because of what I can do, but it's what people are experiencing through what I do and that it is the unconditional love and freedom of Christ.

Okay, here's an update of what's going on for me in this next season:
  • I'm staying here over break to work so that I can do second year of college. I truly believe that God isn't done with me here yet and next year is going to be so strategic and foundational for where He is leading me after college.
  • I have two jobs at the moment: Gloria Jeans (a coffee shop, sorta like Starbucks) and I'm still at the Playland Cafe for kids.
  • I honestly don't' know how I'm going to be able to pay for all of second year, but I know God is going to provide for every need if this is where he has me. I'm believing that all tuition and fees will be paid in full by the time I start at the end of January. So yes, I'm needing another miracle but if there's anything I've learned about God's provision, it's that he doesn't get tired of providing for me, especially when he's getting the glory for it. It's not like I come to him needing another miracle and he goes, "Seriously, Lydia, again?". He delights in giving good gifts to his children. So I'm pumped!
  • I'm going to be helping at an extension service every Sunday over break (and potentially all of next year). I'm so excited to serve and build into the creative team and service itself and see God bring even more freedom and life to the family at Burwood.
  • I'm so pumped to bring some of my coworkers to church over this break and I'm determined to see as many as I can meet Jesus! My heart is that this break would be so much more than about me even though I know I'm going through a journey myself. 

Well, you're probably tired of reading this by now, so I'm going to wrap it up. I miss everyone more than I think anyone knows. But my prayer is that I'll be able to visit home for the July break as a birthday present (hint, hint Mom and Dad!). God is doing such beautiful and wondrous and redemptive things on this earth and I'm so blessed to be a small part of it.

I love you all and I'll talk to you soon! 


ps. Be on the lookout for a little Christmas video I'll be uploading for everyone. Yes, I'll be at the beach on Christmas day, but that doesn't stop me from having a White Christmas in Tennessee still in my heart :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Month Eight + Month Nine (NEWS!)

Hello wonderful and beautiful friends!

So I've been terrible about blogging about the past two months, so I wanted to do another video update to sum up all that's been happening in the last two monthsand how the future is looking. Thank you all for following me and the support and love I constantly receive from all of you.

Here's the video:

Ps. Just to clarify, the "Holy Spirit craziness" I'm talking about in the video is what has just been happening in the life of church and it's been just life-changing to experience a whole new level of freedom in our services and in my own personal life when I experience the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Zechariah 4:6
'So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.'

I also just wanted to share a song that's been on my heart and I cannot stop listening to it. I pray God's love would overflow into your heart as you listen to it and that you would experience Jesus on a whole new level as this year ends. Much love!!!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Month Seven

Wow. I can really only say wow. Because from the time of my last post to now, it's like my life has taken a 180 degree turn!

God has literally met every need. Not only has he provided for my tuition and living expenses through family, friends, and even anonymous cards in the mail, but he has even opened the door for an incredible job. 

I am currently working at a Playland Cafe for kids. Not only do I get to hang out with incredible children and have dance parties with them, but I've finally learnt how to make really good coffee. Took me a little while not to burn the milk, but I've just about got the hang of it now. Plus, I get to dress up like a ladybug and wear red lipstick. It's too much fun!

 I'm officially called "Lydia Ladybug" or
just "Lady" to all the kids.
I foremost want to say THANK YOU to everyone who's given to, prayed for, and believed in me. God has showered me with his love and favor in these past weeks and it was through the incredible people in my life. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you for believing in me and even more, what God is doing through me. He gets all the credit. My prayer is that he gets all the recognition and fame in all of this.

In the midst of his financial blessing, I've been challenged all the more to lay my life down for his cause. One of my best friends and housemate, Lucy, said something incredible the other day. She told me, "Maybe it's more about the testimony than the actually provision." It's actually more about who God is and how I can testify to others of his goodness than what I've actually received. Like Abraham, I've been blessed so I can bless others. 

God has shown me that he is still the same God now as he was a month ago when I was still in faith for what I had not received yet. He knew what he was doing the whole time. He was preparing me for the season I'm now in. 

My job is far from over. Between the season I've just been in and my Personal Evangelism class, I've become passionate and challenged more than ever to share about my faith and love people like never before. Even in my job, I've had opportunity to just love on my boss and coworkers and I'm believing that I'm going to see them give their lives to Jesus in this season. 

If my number one goal in life isn't essentially what Jesus told us to do (the Great Commission, not Suggestion), then I've missed it. I've missed the whole point. If all my dreams and visions don't ultimately point to bringing home the lost and going out into the world and sharing the good news of Jesus, what am I doing? 

I pray that I would be the one that God stops at when looking for someone to use. I pray I would be the one willing to go to the darkest place to bring his light. I pray I would be friend to the drug addicts and homosexuals and gossips and adulterers and liars and thieves and broken and lonely, so that I can share the love and truth of Jesus with them.

God's revealed to me in this past year that my life is not going to be normal. I may have to lay my life down more literally than just doing the uncomfortable things. My life is going to be more than being a pastor's wife, a worship leader, a mom, a friend, or a connect leader. I'm not sure what that looks like, but all I can say is, "Here I am, Lord. Send me!" and then go when he says, "Go!"

In other news, one of the biggest honors and blessings of this semester has been leading a connect group in college. I seriously have the most epic people in my connect and I'm so pumped to just see them grow and become the leaders that God's made them to be. I'm already seeing them grow and step up. It's been so good to see them open up and share the dreams and visions God's put on their hearts.  I cannot believe I get to do life with these world changers!

God is continuing to show up and move in this season and even greater things are ahead!!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Month Six

When I first started writing this entry, I was planning on focusing on how I just came out of this big storm and how hard it was but how I made it through.

But then, I thought, that wouldn't be giving God any credit or focus. Because really it's all been Him. So, I've decided to focus on what He's done and how I've discovered more of who He is.

And the fact is, despite what I've gone through, I'm still here. I can't say things worked out the way I was hoping. But coming out of the storm, I was still hopeful and joyful. It was a Sunday morning in worship and I was asking myself how I was still so at peace even though I hadn't received the miracle the way I expected. And it brought me to tears God spoke to my heart, "You're still here." 

The point is, God has still called me here. Despite what I feel I'm lacking, God has sustained me this entire time. Even after losing my first job waitressing, he's opening doors for an even better job. 

My trust and hope has been strengthened beyond what I expected. I've learned about what God's goodness and favor truly is through believing for my financial miracle. At the end of the day, God's favor is not what he has to offer me and give me, though I know he gives good gifts to his children. His goodness and favor is Christ himself. It's Jesus here with me. It's his presence. And in his presence, I've found abundance. In his presence, I've found everything I need. 

In the toughest season of my life, I've found myself closest to my savior. I've found myself not being burned by the fire, but refined. I've heard God's voice more clearly and felt his love more surely than ever before. And for that, I give him all praise. He is so deserving! He is most worthy!

As this next semester has started, I've found myself so excited and expectant. I've been feeling for the past few months that this second semester is going to be pivotal to where God is taking me. Everything is on a whole new level. Over our two week break, I was part of the Welcome Team for the new students and I saw myself as well as those around me step into a whole new level of leadership.

There has been such a shift in the atmosphere. Everyone is stepping up to serve and lead and make this semester incredible. It's all about team and raising the standard. It's allowed me to really rise to the challenge and push myself to serve and love and lead like never before. It has gotten me so pumped to lead a connect this semester with the new intake. 

I really feel the reason I went through such a tough time in the leading weeks to second semester starting was because the enemy knows that this semester is going to be stand out, and he'd like nothing more than to distract me from just that. 

The only word I have to describe the next few months is wild. I know this semester is going to be wild and God is going to do incredible things. I truly believe he is going to reveal where he is leading me in the next season and start to build on the dreams he's placed in my heart. All I have to do is step into it!

This year is continuing to be beyond what I could have ever dreams and I'm constantly honored that of all places, God has brought me here. How incredible is Jesus?! 


PS. If you would like send some support for my monthly expenses, that would be the biggest blessing! If you are interested, you can e-mail me at or just message me on Facebook.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Month Five

Choices. It all comes down to choices. I choose what I will believe. I choose what I will speak. I choose what I let build me up or tear me down. 

The fifth month being here has been the most incredible and the most hard so far. It has been so exciting gearing up for the next semester and being challenged as a leader. I've been able to join an incredible team of world-changing people to lead connects next semester and they've been challenging me to a rise to a higher standard in every area of my life. I've been able to see myself in Christ and realize all that he's empowered me with.

But I do need a miracle. I need the finances to stay here next semester (tuition). I also need finances for rent and food. In the past month, things have gotten to where the rubber hits the road. But the blessing of being challenged and doing life with my incredible connect leaders is I've been able to ask myself, "Am I going to believe in my lack or in God's abundance? In the facts or in His truth?" 

God has a way of creating such perfect timing in every season I'm in. He knew I'd be needing to stir up my faith and not let fear in, and he's surrounded me with leaders that speak life and encouragement into me.

About a month ago, if you asked me about finances and how I felt about it, I wouldn't be able to give you answer without hints of fear and worry. And even though those thoughts try to creep in, I don't have doubt any more. At the end of the day, if God has called me here, he will provide. I was meeting with my tribe leader, Lindsey, and just a few words she said to me were so empowering: "God's got you." So I will not allow anything but life and assurance consume my heart and mind. My miracle is on it's way and I'm expecting it with such joy.

God has such GOOD things ahead. And speaking of good things, Hillsong Conference is literally next week. I am so excited and thrilled to be apart and serve and see God work in such crazy supernatural ways. We're going to be in the All Phones Arena, which holds 20,000 people. Talk about the masses. I'm ready to hit the ground running and serve with all I've got. I'm on Refresh team, which means I'll be cleaning. I'm excited about this because I know no matter where I serve, God is going to speak and work in and through me. And even looking at my life as simple as being like Jesus, he washed his disciples' feet. He got in the dirt and washed those nasty, hairy, probably crazy toe-nailed feet. And if he did it, I'll do it with joy. If it wasn't too low for Jesus, it will never be too low for me!

So with that in mind, I will say adieu. God is so good and I've found such peace in knowing that even in the storms and rough times, there is joy if I choose it and if I receive it. God's power has given us everything we need for life and Godliness (2 Peter 1:3). So I challenge you to stop looking for more faith or peace or joy, because God has already given you everything you need to do what he's called you to do. It's your choice to access it.

ps. My birthday was the most incredible thing this world has seen! Not only did I go on a crazy scavenger hunt in the city and eat at Pancakes on the Rocks (AMAZING), but my housemates threw me a surprise birthday party the night after as well with all my amazing friends. I was so blessed! JUST THE BEST. I'll post some photos on here soon :)


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Month Four

I am not the woman who stepped off the plane here in Sydney four months ago. This month has confirmed it.

In the past month, I feel like I've been broken into a million pieces and put back together again. I literally think I've cried every single day, either from good or bad reasons. I finally got a job. I ran out of coffee. I ran out of myself, too. Ha, I know that wasn't that funny, but I laughed. 

My biggest lesson this month is that I've never arrived. I've never arrived at loving Jesus or his people enough. I haven't arrived at being the woman he's called me to be. I haven't arrived in my gifting or calling. But that is the whole point of this journey. I'm running a race, not lounging in some hot tub. Every day is about pushing forward towards Jesus Christ. I won't arrive at the goal in my lifetime, because my goal is eternal.

God is pulling me and growing me and pouring me out until there's nothing left of myself. Every day. Every hour. Every minute. But the best part about losing myself, is that I get filled with him. And he is the most satisfying thing I've ever experienced.

I find more of myself in Him. I understand who I am in Him. The best part about it all is that I don't have to strive. I just be and that's it. I abide in Him. It all makes sense. But I still haven't arrived.

I am at the point where this is everything I am. I'm not here for me or for the lime light. I'm here for all the people God's called me to, both now and for the future. That is why God has brought me here. And I'm willing to lay my life down in every sense for Him. If he called me to live in a cave for the rest of my life to reach two random people, I would do it. 

I love him. That's why.

On a lighter note, I got a job!!! God is faithful. I'm a waitress for the first time and it gets a bit crazy at times. But by God's grace, I've really gotten the hang of it and actually get great reward out of serving my customers. And the most surprising thing of all has been how strongly I feel God talk to me while I'm just cleaning tables. 

I just want to encourage whoever's reading this to know that if God can provide and heal and protect and bring me here, he can do it for you! In my Old Testament class, I've just been so encouraged and inspired by the fact that God 4,000 years ago is the same as He is today. He has not changed. He is good and only does good. He does everything and allows things to happen for his good purpose. He will bring everything around because he orchestrates it all. Trust him. Cling to him. Be ignited by his love and hope. 

I'm still trusting God for the second half of my tuition. But I know it's already here. It's provided for. I speak it in faith every day because I know God has called me here and he provides where He guides. I'm excited and full of faith.

Whooo. Feels like I just spilled out my guts. But I hope you enjoyed it, somewhat. Until next time.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Month Three

For this update, I thought I'd do a video. I'm sharing mostly on my heart and what God's been doing in me over the last month. 

I've been getting a lot of prophetic words from several friends about my future and how God is going to use me in the church. It's been blowing my mind because none of it is a surprise. It's all confirmation! 

But anyways, I hope you enjoy it! The Lord is so amazing and I've been so blessed in the surprising freedom of life not being about me anymore. 

Well, here it is:

Excited for what lies ahead. BIG things!


Monday, March 26, 2012

Month Two

Where in the world did month two go? Like I almost don't remember it! 

It was mainly due to Colour Conference for our women. Last weekend we had conference one with 12,000 women in the city and then this past weekend we had 4,000 women here in the convention center at Hillsong. Talk about a lot of estrogen! 

For the first conference, I served in Hillsong resource. I basically helped women check and buy resources from our church and the key speakers at the conference (Priscilla Shirers and Beth Moore!!!). I really tried to go into the first conference with the mindset of seeing the beauty in every women and knowing that no small task accomplished just a small purpose. Everything I did was a seed. And it was such a great experience!! Everything flowed so smoothy and the women really were delightful to serve and talk to.

Conference two was a whole other ball park. I actually wasn't required to serve and most first year girls sat in the sessions or watched them from the chapel, but I really wanted to serve again. I'd been telling my housemates that I really missed being with kids, and God totally gave me the opportunity to serve with kids! I was placed in the Ark, which is 3-4 year olds.

Oh, I loved it! It was exhausting, as children's ministry always is, but it was overwhelming being able to love on these kids. Each session, we had praise and worship and a lesson, and I just loved how the whole thing was centered around these kids having a God moment. The entire environment and setup and schedule was with the purpose of getting these kids to see Jesus. I was so blessed by these kids as much as I was serving them. One little girl named Talitha was raising her hands and closing her eyes so sincerely without anyone telling her. I could have cried right then and there because I know Jesus was speaking to her little heart.

Needless to say, I have such a huge heart for serving now. I believe in its effectiveness and I think it's huge for all believers to serve the body of Christ. It's the tool we can use to get what God has called us to do accomplished. Whatever is put in my hand, I will choose to go at it 100% and be diligent and serve with my whole heart.

As far as the rest of life, I've got to get some things together. Coming off the "conference high" mode has been kinda hard and I've definitely been pretty disorganized. The tiredness has led to a bombardment of feelings of homesickness and stress and all that jazz.

I'm having to choose peace. I can't just try and have it come in. I have to choose to ask Jesus for peace. It's not from anything I can muster up.

The newness has definitely worn off here. It's still incredible and every day I thank God I'm here, but I'm finally seeing that this is my life now. It's not a vacation. It's my adulthood. 

I feel lost half the time. But dad says that's kinda the rest of your life. There's so much unknown and uncertainty. Duh. But that's why God and his Word is so important. I'm just lost and incapable and a little girl without him. 

The rest of this year is going to be incredible. Not just for me, but for God and his kingdom. At the end of the day, I have to remember that it's just not about me. My feelings may be going haywire and I may feel lost, but God is still in control. When I ask him to come and have his way in my life, He will. Despite what I go through or feel, Jesus will get the glory and he will help me through it all. I trust him. 

I would like to ask for prayer for finances and a job. I'm starting to apply at jobs because I still need help with living expenses. God is provider and I will trust in his word, not in my bank account or worries. I'd also love prayer for just diligence in all that do, whether in work or practice or in my budget. 

For month three, I'm believing to dig my heels in and really start to have the discipline that my life is calling me to. I'm digging into God and into his word. I'm going to be diligent and faithful. 

God is good. That is all.


Monday, March 12, 2012


Sometimes I get glimpses of that woman. 

She's the woman that God has called and created me to be from the very beginning. The woman that doesn't agree with the girl of her youth. She is different. She is more.

I feel like God has lately been giving me those glimpses of that woman as I've been in worship, ministering to people, or even just sitting in my closet talking to him.

But this isn't just overwhelming, it's terrifying. I feel like God is preparing me to go to war for him. He's using me in his military strategy. As dramatic or even masculine as that that seems, several times he's told me that I'm going to be a weapon in his hand for the kingdom. But that means going where no one else wants to go. That means danger and risk. That means coming against the arrows and attacks of the enemy.

How in the world can I be that woman? I don't feel very brave. How do I protect? How can I be that strong?

Thank the Lord that it's not I who lives any more. I'm not the spirit or the strength or the intelligence or courage. I'm just the vessel. The vessel used for his glory. 

And as long as I know it's the Spirit of the living, faithful, mighty, conquering, creator God that is working through me and not myself.... well, bring it on, Devil. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Month One

I'm still pinching myself. As real as life is for me now, sometimes it's still hard to take in where God has placed me.

I am in the best place I could be at the moment. It's the most encouraging, fun, adventurous, joyful places I've ever been in but it's also the most challenging, crazy, and confusing place I've ever been in. 

I'm in church and services every day, feeling God's presence and the love of amazing people around me, but then I'm also surrounded by people that it's easy to get intimidated by and messages that are challenging the core of who I am.

The greatest part of all of this, however, is that I'm able to go to my last resort. And by last resort, I mean first resort. The one thing I know how to do is seek Jesus. Beyond any gifts or talents, I know that I can always find Jesus. 

As I've been thinking about all my dreams and desires in the future, I can get so overwhelmed and almost irritated because it's so open and unsure. But I've purposed in my heart to seek Jesus no matter what. I've probably said this time and time again in my blogs, but I just can't do any of this stuff without him being my number one priority. I can't be a leader, I can't manage my money, I can't do my best in worship, I can't know what I'm doing here without Jesus. I've realized every desire and dream is destined to fail if he's not in the center. My prayer is JESUS BE THE CENTER. I'm throwing off everything that's self-seeking and putting him in the middle of it all.

Being at a leadership college has challenged me in my relationship with Jesus and discipline of seeking him. These past few weeks have been so awesome as I've grown in my disciplines. Every morning I wake up and read my Bible and pray. It honestly isn't as efficient when I do it any other time of day. There's an intimacy I feel with Jesus and I sit in my prayer closet (literally) and just talk to him. 

I'm also really becoming disciplined in just practicing for worship. For my performances in the worship stream, I practice every day doing vocal warm ups and technical exercises and then singing the pieces assigned to me. God really does bless faithfulness and hard work. I don't have to overcomplicate things. 

So here's a little piece of my life and what my week looks like:

Monday: I have Chapel service in the morning with all the first years. Then in the afternoon I have worship tutorial (which is just a small class of people I'm with every day where we talk about applying the things we learn in our lecture). At night, I have worship workshop where we practice our songs with our instructors and do them up on stage (SO FUN!)

Tuesday: I have Chapel service in the morning with all college students. Then I have Old Testament lecture in the afternoon (which is blowing my mind every week. I've realized I really am a nerd at heart and I seriously love learning diving deeper into the context of the Bible). Following lecture, I have Old Testament tutorial or study.

Wednesday: I have Chapel service (again) with all the college students in the morning. I then have Worship lecture in the afternoon with the incredible Aaron Puddle. Following that I have my Church life, which is where I volunteer each week in being apart of church. I volunteer at Youth Alive, which is an awesome organization connected with Hillsong that plans Youth and Youth pastor events throughout the year. After that, I go home and get ready for connect group, which is totally incredible. This small group is what helps me going each week and it is so full of life and support and such a spirit of faith.

Thursday: I have Sisterhood in the morning. Sisterhood is the women's ministry here at the church and is all about empowering women to step into the role God has placed for us all. I'll be serving in Sisterhood in a few weeks and that will be amazing. We have coffee and tea and toast and it all makes you just feel so beautiful. After that, I have Personal Leadership tutorial with Margaret Stunt, who is AMAZING. I couldn't not ask for a more wise, real, and passionate person to be my instructor. And she's British! Ha! After tutorial, I work at Youth Alive for a few hours. Then at night, I go to creative night, which is where everyone in the creative streams comes together to worship and present pieces and talk about the creative life of this church.

Friday: I have Fridays off but lately I've been volunteering the 7th-9th grade ministry called Fuel at night time with my friend Kim. We're able to pray and encourage and have just crazy fun with these kids. A lot of the kids have a genuine passion for Jesus and they're even stepping up to pray and lead each other. As much as I'm encouraging them, they encourage me as well.

Saturday: Always up for fun on these days! I went to the beach last Saturday and it was beautiful. 

Sunday: I get to the church at 7am for choir and I sing at both morning services. It's so surreal. Every Sunday, I've just been amazed at the fact that I'm in choir at Hillsong Church. It's an incredible blessing and God speaks to me every single service. After church, I go home and rest until it's time to go to the night service.

SOOOOO, yes. This is my week. I go through a roller coaster of emotions each week, but I know I'm growing into the woman God has made me to be. He's revealing himself in ways I can't imagine. This first month has been hard and overwhelming, but I've never been so sure of where He's wanted to me. This is my dream come true. I'm beyond blessed.

My last little note: God has given me incredible friends! My housemates are just the best. They're all unique and hilarious and fun, but God has so strategically put us together and we're a force to be reckoned with! And then I have a new friend Kim from Florida. It's been one of those weird instant connections. Not quite explainable, but I've found such comfort in her friendship. It's one of those where all you have to do is be in the same room with them to feel better. God has seriously surrounded me with his love through these incredible girls. 

Here's my little update, and I hope you enjoyed. I'm asking for prayer for provision and God's guidance throughout this time. Thank you all for all you've done for me and you're constant support! 

xx :)

Monday, January 30, 2012


I've done some amazing things in the past week. So far, I've been to Bondi Beach and climbed on the rocks. I've walked around the city of Sydney and eaten great gelato as well as see the Sydney Opera house (which is absolutely GORGEOUS). I've walked home singing in the rain. I went to an incredible retreat for young adults with eye-opening speakers and thick, powerful worship. I ate more fruit than I have in my whole life. I've gone to an insane crazy dance party. I've met students from several nations. I've watched fireworks from the Sydney harbor. I've slept on the beach for a few hours (before being rained out and having to sleep in the car. Sort of a bust, but I still saw an amazing sunrise). I've had incredible conversations with my wonderful, faith-filled housemates. 

But besides all this, it truthfully has been really hard. I knew it would be, but as much as you can brace yourself for something doesn't mean you won't feel the full effects of it. My emotions have been on an extreme roller coaster. I miss my family terribly. I miss laying on the coach at home. I miss my church. I miss my best friends. I miss it all. I hate talking on the phone to my parents because I practically break down in tears each time we speak.

However, in the transition and insanity and adjustments, the Lord has already started to work so much on my heart. The retreat was so huge for helping get my mind on Him and off myself. The moment I got to college and started meeting students, I became extremely insecure. Every outfit I regretted. Every hair do wasn't enough. I felt like a dork having to wear my glasses constantly to let my eye heal from a flame-up last Sunday. 

But as I let the Lord minister to me at the retreat, I really felt him telling me how much he valued me and how he hated when I compared myself to others. Because I can't be compared to anyone else. He loves me just as I am and wants to use me just as I am. His plans for me are so much bigger than the ones I have for myself and I can't put him in a box.

I made a promise for this year that this is the year I'm getting serious about the Lord. Serious about him being in every aspect of my life. Serious about depending on him more than ever before, despite what I feel or the circumstances that present themselves to me. 

In Job 42:5 it says, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you."

The Lord is taking me to the next level in our relationship, but that means I have to go to the next level in my devotion. To see his face, I must seek it. Above all else, I have to continue to establish time and intimacy with him because that is the only thing that keeps me grounded and secure.

I don't know what the year holds or what the future brings, but I know who holds this year and who brings the future. I will hold fast to his promise and his word. I know he will never leave me, nor forsake me.

"God is good and will only ever do good." -Steve Penny 

Every day I'm here, God confirms more and more that he wants me here and things get better and better. The Lord has only GOOD things planned for me and I am open to whatever he wants to do. To him be ALL the honor and glory and praise and worship.

"Take the world, but give me Jesus."


Friday, January 20, 2012

First Day at Hillsong


Gosh, what a whirlwind! God is so good. And he truly has been with me every step of the way.

So, I arrived around 9:30 am today and took a shuttle to the church. It already feels like home. I got my arrangements for housing and met a ton of new people. Everyone is so inviting and friendly!

One of the best parts was seeing my friend, Sarah Combs, who is also from Tennessee. She is an amazing friend and has been a total Godsend helping me with everything. She took me to the closest shopping center where we got food and I got a phone. It's a step back from an iPhone, but I think I'll manage. Not trying to be too picky here.

After that, I was taken to my house and there wasn't a housemate in site! All the rooms were filled except for a bed in one, so I assumed that one was mine. I unloaded my monstrosity of clothes and the like and then got a good shower. I felt completely gross and that shower was amazing!

The weather here is completely gorgeous! It's summer of course. There'll be a time of day where it gets pretty hot, but then in early morning and as it gets towards night it cools down to the most wonderful windy weather. I love it! 

After getting settled for a few hours, one of my roommates arrived with her friend. They're both gorgeous and Australian so it was so amazing to connect with them. They took me to coffee at Gloria Jeans where I got a Long White (is that right Stephen Rohrer?). SO GOOD.

So now, I'm waiting to meet all the rest of my wonderful housemates. I think only one other is American. The rest are Australian, Canadian, and British. What a blessing!!

I wanna cry right now. Out of some serious joy. Because I've been prepared for this. I've been gearing up for this and I'm taking it all in. God is making my dreams come alive before my eyes. I have such peace about being here and I feel at home even in the first day. 

I'm so completely excited for what lies ahead. I'm letting God write my story and I couldn't be more thrilled and humbled.

The sun hasn't even set yet and it's almost 7pm. Oh Australia, could you be more lovely?


Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Being on the adventure of a lifetime doesn't always go as planned. We make out this map and we wanna stick to it and be all grown up, but we forget that God is the one who directs our steps.

Proverbs 20:24
New International Version (NIV)

 24 A person’s steps are directed by the LORD.
   How then can anyone understand their own way?

I'm on my way to Sydney, and I feel like my course has been redirected a thousand times. Therefore, it's like my emotions have been redirected a thousand times. Worried, anxious, confused, settled, content, confused, worried, anxious, settled, content, and on and on it goes.

Okay, it's not quite that dramatic. But anyways, I feel like in all of this, the Lord just wants to show me that no matter where the waves and wind toss me, He is the anchor of everything and he's actually steering this ship exactly where he wants it go. I always like to say he is constantly working behind the scenes, and he's definitely doing that in my situation.

These days are a whirlwind, but I'm overwhelmed at how constant his presence and reassurance and hand are just right here. He's brought me such peace and joy through all of this. I haven't even had a meltdown! HaHa!

Out of the other 7 billion people on this earth, he chose me for this adventure. And he'd planned this since the day I was born. Sometimes I can't believe this! It's incredible. I'm so grateful and in such adoration for my savior. He not only saved me from the depths of Hell, but also wants to give me heaven on earth?! An abundant life, yes!

And it's the same for you! No matter where the Lord is taking you in this new 2012 season, he wants to give you an abundant life. He made us for abundant lives (i.e. the Garden of Eden)! If you don't quite understand where you're going and your detour seems completely out of place, maybe you're exactly where he wants you to be.

Just trust.