Friday, January 20, 2012

First Day at Hillsong


Gosh, what a whirlwind! God is so good. And he truly has been with me every step of the way.

So, I arrived around 9:30 am today and took a shuttle to the church. It already feels like home. I got my arrangements for housing and met a ton of new people. Everyone is so inviting and friendly!

One of the best parts was seeing my friend, Sarah Combs, who is also from Tennessee. She is an amazing friend and has been a total Godsend helping me with everything. She took me to the closest shopping center where we got food and I got a phone. It's a step back from an iPhone, but I think I'll manage. Not trying to be too picky here.

After that, I was taken to my house and there wasn't a housemate in site! All the rooms were filled except for a bed in one, so I assumed that one was mine. I unloaded my monstrosity of clothes and the like and then got a good shower. I felt completely gross and that shower was amazing!

The weather here is completely gorgeous! It's summer of course. There'll be a time of day where it gets pretty hot, but then in early morning and as it gets towards night it cools down to the most wonderful windy weather. I love it! 

After getting settled for a few hours, one of my roommates arrived with her friend. They're both gorgeous and Australian so it was so amazing to connect with them. They took me to coffee at Gloria Jeans where I got a Long White (is that right Stephen Rohrer?). SO GOOD.

So now, I'm waiting to meet all the rest of my wonderful housemates. I think only one other is American. The rest are Australian, Canadian, and British. What a blessing!!

I wanna cry right now. Out of some serious joy. Because I've been prepared for this. I've been gearing up for this and I'm taking it all in. God is making my dreams come alive before my eyes. I have such peace about being here and I feel at home even in the first day. 

I'm so completely excited for what lies ahead. I'm letting God write my story and I couldn't be more thrilled and humbled.

The sun hasn't even set yet and it's almost 7pm. Oh Australia, could you be more lovely?


1 comment:

  1. You go lid! I think your amazing and this adventure your on is amazing and I am so excited to watch God paint your picture! What amazes me most is your faith and faithfulness...your dreams are so big, your faith is bigger and God is bigger than that making this equation nothing short of divine. No ma'am, you are not a tame lion but a daughter of the lamb!
