Sunday, February 26, 2012

Month One

I'm still pinching myself. As real as life is for me now, sometimes it's still hard to take in where God has placed me.

I am in the best place I could be at the moment. It's the most encouraging, fun, adventurous, joyful places I've ever been in but it's also the most challenging, crazy, and confusing place I've ever been in. 

I'm in church and services every day, feeling God's presence and the love of amazing people around me, but then I'm also surrounded by people that it's easy to get intimidated by and messages that are challenging the core of who I am.

The greatest part of all of this, however, is that I'm able to go to my last resort. And by last resort, I mean first resort. The one thing I know how to do is seek Jesus. Beyond any gifts or talents, I know that I can always find Jesus. 

As I've been thinking about all my dreams and desires in the future, I can get so overwhelmed and almost irritated because it's so open and unsure. But I've purposed in my heart to seek Jesus no matter what. I've probably said this time and time again in my blogs, but I just can't do any of this stuff without him being my number one priority. I can't be a leader, I can't manage my money, I can't do my best in worship, I can't know what I'm doing here without Jesus. I've realized every desire and dream is destined to fail if he's not in the center. My prayer is JESUS BE THE CENTER. I'm throwing off everything that's self-seeking and putting him in the middle of it all.

Being at a leadership college has challenged me in my relationship with Jesus and discipline of seeking him. These past few weeks have been so awesome as I've grown in my disciplines. Every morning I wake up and read my Bible and pray. It honestly isn't as efficient when I do it any other time of day. There's an intimacy I feel with Jesus and I sit in my prayer closet (literally) and just talk to him. 

I'm also really becoming disciplined in just practicing for worship. For my performances in the worship stream, I practice every day doing vocal warm ups and technical exercises and then singing the pieces assigned to me. God really does bless faithfulness and hard work. I don't have to overcomplicate things. 

So here's a little piece of my life and what my week looks like:

Monday: I have Chapel service in the morning with all the first years. Then in the afternoon I have worship tutorial (which is just a small class of people I'm with every day where we talk about applying the things we learn in our lecture). At night, I have worship workshop where we practice our songs with our instructors and do them up on stage (SO FUN!)

Tuesday: I have Chapel service in the morning with all college students. Then I have Old Testament lecture in the afternoon (which is blowing my mind every week. I've realized I really am a nerd at heart and I seriously love learning diving deeper into the context of the Bible). Following lecture, I have Old Testament tutorial or study.

Wednesday: I have Chapel service (again) with all the college students in the morning. I then have Worship lecture in the afternoon with the incredible Aaron Puddle. Following that I have my Church life, which is where I volunteer each week in being apart of church. I volunteer at Youth Alive, which is an awesome organization connected with Hillsong that plans Youth and Youth pastor events throughout the year. After that, I go home and get ready for connect group, which is totally incredible. This small group is what helps me going each week and it is so full of life and support and such a spirit of faith.

Thursday: I have Sisterhood in the morning. Sisterhood is the women's ministry here at the church and is all about empowering women to step into the role God has placed for us all. I'll be serving in Sisterhood in a few weeks and that will be amazing. We have coffee and tea and toast and it all makes you just feel so beautiful. After that, I have Personal Leadership tutorial with Margaret Stunt, who is AMAZING. I couldn't not ask for a more wise, real, and passionate person to be my instructor. And she's British! Ha! After tutorial, I work at Youth Alive for a few hours. Then at night, I go to creative night, which is where everyone in the creative streams comes together to worship and present pieces and talk about the creative life of this church.

Friday: I have Fridays off but lately I've been volunteering the 7th-9th grade ministry called Fuel at night time with my friend Kim. We're able to pray and encourage and have just crazy fun with these kids. A lot of the kids have a genuine passion for Jesus and they're even stepping up to pray and lead each other. As much as I'm encouraging them, they encourage me as well.

Saturday: Always up for fun on these days! I went to the beach last Saturday and it was beautiful. 

Sunday: I get to the church at 7am for choir and I sing at both morning services. It's so surreal. Every Sunday, I've just been amazed at the fact that I'm in choir at Hillsong Church. It's an incredible blessing and God speaks to me every single service. After church, I go home and rest until it's time to go to the night service.

SOOOOO, yes. This is my week. I go through a roller coaster of emotions each week, but I know I'm growing into the woman God has made me to be. He's revealing himself in ways I can't imagine. This first month has been hard and overwhelming, but I've never been so sure of where He's wanted to me. This is my dream come true. I'm beyond blessed.

My last little note: God has given me incredible friends! My housemates are just the best. They're all unique and hilarious and fun, but God has so strategically put us together and we're a force to be reckoned with! And then I have a new friend Kim from Florida. It's been one of those weird instant connections. Not quite explainable, but I've found such comfort in her friendship. It's one of those where all you have to do is be in the same room with them to feel better. God has seriously surrounded me with his love through these incredible girls. 

Here's my little update, and I hope you enjoyed. I'm asking for prayer for provision and God's guidance throughout this time. Thank you all for all you've done for me and you're constant support! 

xx :)


  1. 3 things I thought of Super Lyd:

    1. John 1o:27 - "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." - You are LIVING this faithful friend! His voice and calling are what guided you to Australia, and planted that seed in your heart. Psalm 37:4 - "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."

    2. We ARE word nerds, aren't we? :) And it's a wonderful thing.

    3. POWERHOUSE - that's what my first roommates at Bethel Brentwood and I called our home. It was an amazing, irreplaceable time of Acts 2:42 "fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer." I'm so very happy that you are experiencing this as well.

    Lastly, I LOVE YOU and am SO VERY PROUD OF YOU!

    Matthew 6:33 - Seek Him first, and everything else is added. <3

    You are one amazing lady!!!

  2. Really enjoyed reading your updates. I'm so glad that the Lord is stretching you but also showing you how big He is. He will always take care of you.
