Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Broken Ones

I'm really praying that in my year growing at Bible college, God will really begin to open my eyes to the direction he has for me and the things he wants me to do. Yes, there are things I'd love to do. But I can't confirm that those are HIS plans just yet.

I know there is one thing He has for me to do, but the task will take discernment and growing and maturity to walk more deeply into. That task to love the lost and broken. It's not that I'm sitting here trying to make it seem like this complicated thing I need to study for or research, but I just know I need more transformation to be more efficient in this calling.

I found in Mark where Jesus healed a man of leprosy.

Mark 1:40-42
A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured.

Leprosy was seen as a curse in the days of Jesus. The lepers were those cast out of the city to live in isolation. Completely abandoned and condemned. And yet Jesus was filled with compassion and love for the very ones even the Pharisees and "righteous people" despised to go near.

I want to go after these people. The condemned and unloved. The untouchable people. The people the Church has not yet been able to get to. The people everyone just assumed would go to Hell, I want to show them the power of Jesus and the eternal life he has to offer. The unchurched.

If I'm to be anything like Jesus, then this IS my task and calling. There is no other choice, no other way. I pray Jesus open my eyes to these people and fill me with compassion for them. I pray I'll become more and more like him to draw more and more of the lost to Him.

A new song recently came out that I seriously love called "The Broken Ones" by Dia Frampton. So good.

"I can't help it, I love the broken ones. The ones who need the most patching up. The ones who've, never been loved, never been loved, never been loved. And oh maybe I see a part of me in them. The missing piece always trying to fit in. The shattered heart, hungry for a home. No you're not alone, I love the broken ones."

I love the broken ones.

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