Wow. I can really only say wow. Because from the time of my last post to now, it's like my life has taken a 180 degree turn!
God has literally met every need. Not only has he provided for my tuition and living expenses through family, friends, and even anonymous cards in the mail, but he has even opened the door for an incredible job.
I am currently working at a Playland Cafe for kids. Not only do I get to hang out with incredible children and have dance parties with them, but I've finally learnt how to make really good coffee. Took me a little while not to burn the milk, but I've just about got the hang of it now. Plus, I get to dress up like a ladybug and wear red lipstick. It's too much fun!
I'm officially called "Lydia Ladybug" or just "Lady" to all the kids. |
In the midst of his financial blessing, I've been challenged all the more to lay my life down for his cause. One of my best friends and housemate, Lucy, said something incredible the other day. She told me, "Maybe it's more about the testimony than the actually provision." It's actually more about who God is and how I can testify to others of his goodness than what I've actually received. Like Abraham, I've been blessed so I can bless others.
God has shown me that he is still the same God now as he was a month ago when I was still in faith for what I had not received yet. He knew what he was doing the whole time. He was preparing me for the season I'm now in.
My job is far from over. Between the season I've just been in and my Personal Evangelism class, I've become passionate and challenged more than ever to share about my faith and love people like never before. Even in my job, I've had opportunity to just love on my boss and coworkers and I'm believing that I'm going to see them give their lives to Jesus in this season.
If my number one goal in life isn't essentially what Jesus told us to do (the Great Commission, not Suggestion), then I've missed it. I've missed the whole point. If all my dreams and visions don't ultimately point to bringing home the lost and going out into the world and sharing the good news of Jesus, what am I doing?
I pray that I would be the one that God stops at when looking for someone to use. I pray I would be the one willing to go to the darkest place to bring his light. I pray I would be friend to the drug addicts and homosexuals and gossips and adulterers and liars and thieves and broken and lonely, so that I can share the love and truth of Jesus with them.
God's revealed to me in this past year that my life is not going to be normal. I may have to lay my life down more literally than just doing the uncomfortable things. My life is going to be more than being a pastor's wife, a worship leader, a mom, a friend, or a connect leader. I'm not sure what that looks like, but all I can say is, "Here I am, Lord. Send me!" and then go when he says, "Go!"
God is continuing to show up and move in this season and even greater things are ahead!!