Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Month Six

When I first started writing this entry, I was planning on focusing on how I just came out of this big storm and how hard it was but how I made it through.

But then, I thought, that wouldn't be giving God any credit or focus. Because really it's all been Him. So, I've decided to focus on what He's done and how I've discovered more of who He is.

And the fact is, despite what I've gone through, I'm still here. I can't say things worked out the way I was hoping. But coming out of the storm, I was still hopeful and joyful. It was a Sunday morning in worship and I was asking myself how I was still so at peace even though I hadn't received the miracle the way I expected. And it brought me to tears God spoke to my heart, "You're still here." 

The point is, God has still called me here. Despite what I feel I'm lacking, God has sustained me this entire time. Even after losing my first job waitressing, he's opening doors for an even better job. 

My trust and hope has been strengthened beyond what I expected. I've learned about what God's goodness and favor truly is through believing for my financial miracle. At the end of the day, God's favor is not what he has to offer me and give me, though I know he gives good gifts to his children. His goodness and favor is Christ himself. It's Jesus here with me. It's his presence. And in his presence, I've found abundance. In his presence, I've found everything I need. 

In the toughest season of my life, I've found myself closest to my savior. I've found myself not being burned by the fire, but refined. I've heard God's voice more clearly and felt his love more surely than ever before. And for that, I give him all praise. He is so deserving! He is most worthy!

As this next semester has started, I've found myself so excited and expectant. I've been feeling for the past few months that this second semester is going to be pivotal to where God is taking me. Everything is on a whole new level. Over our two week break, I was part of the Welcome Team for the new students and I saw myself as well as those around me step into a whole new level of leadership.

There has been such a shift in the atmosphere. Everyone is stepping up to serve and lead and make this semester incredible. It's all about team and raising the standard. It's allowed me to really rise to the challenge and push myself to serve and love and lead like never before. It has gotten me so pumped to lead a connect this semester with the new intake. 

I really feel the reason I went through such a tough time in the leading weeks to second semester starting was because the enemy knows that this semester is going to be stand out, and he'd like nothing more than to distract me from just that. 

The only word I have to describe the next few months is wild. I know this semester is going to be wild and God is going to do incredible things. I truly believe he is going to reveal where he is leading me in the next season and start to build on the dreams he's placed in my heart. All I have to do is step into it!

This year is continuing to be beyond what I could have ever dreams and I'm constantly honored that of all places, God has brought me here. How incredible is Jesus?! 


PS. If you would like send some support for my monthly expenses, that would be the biggest blessing! If you are interested, you can e-mail me at or just message me on Facebook.