Thursday, June 28, 2012

Month Five

Choices. It all comes down to choices. I choose what I will believe. I choose what I will speak. I choose what I let build me up or tear me down. 

The fifth month being here has been the most incredible and the most hard so far. It has been so exciting gearing up for the next semester and being challenged as a leader. I've been able to join an incredible team of world-changing people to lead connects next semester and they've been challenging me to a rise to a higher standard in every area of my life. I've been able to see myself in Christ and realize all that he's empowered me with.

But I do need a miracle. I need the finances to stay here next semester (tuition). I also need finances for rent and food. In the past month, things have gotten to where the rubber hits the road. But the blessing of being challenged and doing life with my incredible connect leaders is I've been able to ask myself, "Am I going to believe in my lack or in God's abundance? In the facts or in His truth?" 

God has a way of creating such perfect timing in every season I'm in. He knew I'd be needing to stir up my faith and not let fear in, and he's surrounded me with leaders that speak life and encouragement into me.

About a month ago, if you asked me about finances and how I felt about it, I wouldn't be able to give you answer without hints of fear and worry. And even though those thoughts try to creep in, I don't have doubt any more. At the end of the day, if God has called me here, he will provide. I was meeting with my tribe leader, Lindsey, and just a few words she said to me were so empowering: "God's got you." So I will not allow anything but life and assurance consume my heart and mind. My miracle is on it's way and I'm expecting it with such joy.

God has such GOOD things ahead. And speaking of good things, Hillsong Conference is literally next week. I am so excited and thrilled to be apart and serve and see God work in such crazy supernatural ways. We're going to be in the All Phones Arena, which holds 20,000 people. Talk about the masses. I'm ready to hit the ground running and serve with all I've got. I'm on Refresh team, which means I'll be cleaning. I'm excited about this because I know no matter where I serve, God is going to speak and work in and through me. And even looking at my life as simple as being like Jesus, he washed his disciples' feet. He got in the dirt and washed those nasty, hairy, probably crazy toe-nailed feet. And if he did it, I'll do it with joy. If it wasn't too low for Jesus, it will never be too low for me!

So with that in mind, I will say adieu. God is so good and I've found such peace in knowing that even in the storms and rough times, there is joy if I choose it and if I receive it. God's power has given us everything we need for life and Godliness (2 Peter 1:3). So I challenge you to stop looking for more faith or peace or joy, because God has already given you everything you need to do what he's called you to do. It's your choice to access it.

ps. My birthday was the most incredible thing this world has seen! Not only did I go on a crazy scavenger hunt in the city and eat at Pancakes on the Rocks (AMAZING), but my housemates threw me a surprise birthday party the night after as well with all my amazing friends. I was so blessed! JUST THE BEST. I'll post some photos on here soon :)
